Wednesday, 7 October 2015


In this article, I have learned about how to edit a film and video. I have learned that there are two basic styles of film editing which are continuity and montage editing.

1. Continuity editing or narrative-based editing
_The idea of continuity editing is to put the separated shots together to create a logical coherence between shots

*Some of the temporal continuity editing technique are: cross cutting, fade-in and fade-out, continuous diegetic sound, flashback..

*Spatial continuity: establishing shot, the 180 degree rule, the eye-line match and match on action.
_180 degree rule: is to orientate the viewer, to establish the placement of characters.
example: 180 degree rule often used in Car chases scene. If the car leaves the frame on the right side on the first shot then the next shot the car will appear on the left.

2. Montage editing: emphasizes different between shots, call attention to itself. Some of montage editing: jump out, freeze frame, ..

3. Transition :
_Refers to how one shot ends and the next begins. There are many types of transition:

* Cut: the most basic and common. A cut happens when one shot instantly replaces the next shot.
_Example: from a scene in Hangover, on the shot showed in the top picture, is a close-up of one of the main characters Stu, wake up in the morning. the second shot in the second picture cuts to a long shot show the messy room.

* Fade in/ fade out: Fade ins and fade outs are the second most common type of transition. Fade outs happen when the picture is gradually replaced by black screen or any other solid colour. Traditionally, fade outs have been used to conclude movies. Fade ins are the opposite: a solid colour gradually gives way to picture, commonly used in the beginning of movies.

4. Effects
_B&w: used to show memory or time period.

_Blur: to show fuzzy memory or flashback.

_Animation: title of shows or cartoons

_Colour: to show specific mood.

_Fast forward/ slow motion: speed up or slowing down footage.

_Contrast: to altar the lighting.

_CGI: computer generated images

_Ghost trail: see multiple action to show someone drunk or on drugs.

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